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Following Good Mornings, our second exercise in our hamstring series is called the Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlift. This exercise is a common progression from Good Mornings as it relies on maintaining upper body posture to rotate the pelvis and subsequently stretch the hamstrings at the knee. Give it a try in your new fitness program!


  • Strengthen the hamstrings by using loaded lengthening contractions through a full range of motion

Muscle Groups Targeted 

  • Spinal Erectors, Hip extensors, Knee Flexors, Shoulder Extensors

Starting Position

  • Stand with Snatch Grip (widen hands out until bar sits in hip crease when arms are straight
  • Inflate Chest, Bring Shoulders back, Turns Elbows out to sides, “un-lock” knees


  • Keeping shins vertical, hinge at the hip until bar reaches bottom of knee with flat back and shoulders in front of the bar, 
  • Pause in this position and return to start position in reverse order

Recommended sets and repetitions 

  • 3 sets of 5-8 reps with light-moderate load
  • Progress movement with greater range of movement until trunk can reach a level parallel with the ground, once this is reached, increases in weight are more appropriate

Check out Good Mornings

by Devin Clayton

Devin is a Bachelors of Physical Education graduate from the University of Alberta. He is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist through the NSCA and is a NCCP certified Weightlifting coach.