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Backstroke Body Position

Backstroke Body Position

Body position is the foundation for all swimming strokes. When correcting strokes, look at the body position because it affects all the other components of a stroke (legs, breathing, arms, and coordination). In order for a stroke to be efficient, the body must...
Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlift

Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlift

Following Good Mornings, our second exercise in our hamstring series is called the Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlift. This exercise is a common progression from Good Mornings as it relies on maintaining upper body posture to rotate the pelvis and subsequently stretch the...
Freestyle (Front Crawl)- Timing

Freestyle (Front Crawl)- Timing

The final step of the stroke pyramid is coordination and refinement of the whole stroke. Timing, or synchronizing upper body and lower body movements will help you coordinate all of the working pieces of the stroke. Coordinating the timing of your freestyle will also...
Physical and Mental Benefits of Climbing

Physical and Mental Benefits of Climbing

Climbing is a natural desire. Why else would we have ladders, stairs, skyscrapers and climbing walls? But improving your view isn’t the only benefit. Climbing can actually improve your body and your mind. The physical benefits are likely obvious to most—your grip...
Good Mornings

Good Mornings

The hamstrings and low back are connected via the pelvis and both collaborate to promote rotation of the pelvis forward or backward. Because of this, if the hamstrings are weakened or shortened, the amount that the pelvis can rotate is limited. Therefore, to promote...