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4 Tips to Keep Fit this Summer

Many of us have already begun training for our summer races, outdoor adventures, or simply our summer body. Often the excuse arises that we are too busy or don’t have time to stay active – we’re here to encourage you to keep the momentum going and stay faithful to...

Running Should have Weight Classes

About five months ago, Edmonton was gifted with an unseasonably warm week of nice weather. Me, fresh off the holiday weight gain of December and January, I decided to go for a run outside to soak up the warm winter sun. This was my first run in about four years and in...

Exercise: Romanian Deadlift

Want to get strong? Of course you do! That’s why you should try this month’s featured exercise: Romanian Deadlifts, part of our Olympic Weightlifting training series. Target Body Part: Lower Body Primary Muscles: Hamstrings, Gluteus Maximus, Erector Spinae...

Exercise: Split Squats

Split Squats are part of a series of exercises for improving Olympic Weightlifting. Target Body Part: Lower Body Primary Muscles: Gluteus Maximumus, Quadriceps Secondary Muscles: Hamstrings, Abdominals, Erector Spinae, Gastrocnemius Equipment Needed: Barbell...