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4 Tips to Keep Fit this Summer

Many of us have already begun training for our summer races, outdoor adventures, or simply our summer body. Often the excuse arises that we are too busy or don’t have time to stay active – we’re here to encourage you to keep the momentum going and stay faithful to...

Getting Green and Lean

If you garden for pleasure, you may not be aware of how beneficial this hobby is for your health. Gardening ranks up there with other moderate to strenuous forms of exercise, like walking and bicycling. Approximately 300 calories an hour can be burned just by...

Clean Grip Push Press

While the benefits of resistance training for power athletes has been known for some time, research is now starting to discover the benefits of resistance training for endurance performance. With this year’s wave of endurance competitions (marathons, obstacle...

Mental Health: The key to a healthy lifestyle

What exactly defines mental health? Mental health includes social, emotional, and psychological well-being. It’s important in all stages of life and effects how people think, feel, and act, as well as how we handle stress and make decisions. Conversation about mental...