Freestyle (Front Crawl)- Timing

The final step of the stroke pyramid is coordination and refinement of the whole stroke. Timing, or synchronizing upper body and lower body movements will help you coordinate all of the working pieces of the stroke. Coordinating the timing of your freestyle will also...

Become a Lifeguard or Swim Instructor

Get Certified this Fall MacEwan University Sport and Wellness has a number of Aquatic Certification you can take part that focus on advanced swimming skills, aquatics leadership, lifeguarding and life saving and first aid. This fall we have several programs you can...

Freestyle (Front Crawl)- Power Pull

The third component of the arm movement for the freestyle stroke is the power phase. With the power phase, once your forearm is perpendicular to the bottom, you try and move this forearm in a straight line from in front of your shoulder to your hip, all the while...

4 Tips to Keep Fit this Summer

Many of us have already begun training for our summer races, outdoor adventures, or simply our summer body. Often the excuse arises that we are too busy or don’t have time to stay active – we’re here to encourage you to keep the momentum going and stay faithful to...

Freestyle (Front Crawl)- Breathing

Last month we discussed the concept of the skroke pyramid: the order in which stroke progressions should be implemented when learning and correcting a swimmer’s strokes. To review, the first step is body positioning: being able to maintain a relaxed, streamlined body...

Three Reasons to Love Triathlon

Spin, bike, run. The best of all worlds! If you are a race novice or a seasoned endurance athlete, Tri could be for you. This sport is a phenomenal way to challenge your aerobic capacity, strength, endurance and will power. If you’re not yet convinced, here are three...