Freestyle (Front Crawl)- Timing

The final step of the stroke pyramid is coordination and refinement of the whole stroke. Timing, or synchronizing upper body and lower body movements will help you coordinate all of the working pieces of the stroke. Coordinating the timing of your freestyle will also...

Freestyle (Front Crawl)- Power Pull

The third component of the arm movement for the freestyle stroke is the power phase. With the power phase, once your forearm is perpendicular to the bottom, you try and move this forearm in a straight line from in front of your shoulder to your hip, all the while...

Freestyle (Front Crawl)- Breathing

Last month we discussed the concept of the skroke pyramid: the order in which stroke progressions should be implemented when learning and correcting a swimmer’s strokes. To review, the first step is body positioning: being able to maintain a relaxed, streamlined body...

10 Reasons to Jump In

We have all heard how wonderful swimming is for you. But we hear these reasons from swimmers; those who love being in the pool, have no problem lugging around their big swim bags all day, or take pride in how fast they can swim a 50m sprint. These individuals are...