Spin, bike, run. The best of all worlds! If you are a race novice or a seasoned endurance athlete, Tri could be for you. This sport is a phenomenal way to Swim Bike Run- Triathlon graphicchallenge your aerobic capacity, strength, endurance and will power. If you’re not yet convinced, here are three reasons to love Triathlon!

  • Balance: If you are worried about overuse injuries as a cyclist, swimmer or runner – tri may be for you! By training for different race aspects, you are able to improve performance overall with reduced risk of injury that are frequent in endurance sports like marathon running.
  • Makes you feel like a badass: Cramming three sports into one race willingly? Are you kidding me!? This is not a sport for the faint of heart and it definitely takes devotion! The glory is worth the pain though; the adrenaline rush of crossing that finish line is unbeatable.
  • Tri culture: the tri community is incredibly supportive. We are all thrown into the fire together and we motivate each other up to become stronger, faster, better! There are endless training groups to take advantage of, including Triathlon Training at Sport and Wellness, which is a great way to meet new, like-minded individuals. An unbreakable bond is developed with everyone working towards the same goal and pushing one another to be better.

Sport and Wellness offers triathlon focused classes throughout the week to teach and guide you through all elements of a triathlon. If you’ve been thinking about signing up for a race, I strongly encourage you to take the plunge!

by Megan Denholm

Megan is a Bachelor of Kinesiology graduate from the University of Alberta. She is a CSEP-CPT certified Exercise Specialist with the MacEwan University Sport and Wellness fitness team.